My Favorite Decade!

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Today I wanted to touch on a topic that is one of my greatest passions: 1950s fashion. I love fashion history and my favorite decade of all is the fifties. I would just like to stress that I'm talking about fashion and style here as opposed to the political and social situation during this time. I also have to draw attention to the fact that although I am half Polish the majority of my knowledge of the style at this time is drawn from American photographical archives and movies. This is due to the political situation which allowed the US to thrive and develop after the war. People often say that the reason for all the glamor and femininity in the 1950s was the end of WWII. That is true, war-time restriction hindered the development of fashion, so an end of the War in the west signified a re-birth in couture as well as an open mass-market need and interest in fashion. However in Poland,  although it had its share of local fashion labels and a vague history of fashion does exist, it simply was not in the position to be interested in fashion since the country was trying to regain something as basic as its freedom. That's why, unfortunately; because I'd love to know more about fashion in Poland, I draw most of my inspiration from the western part of the globe.

That's not to say I find it less interesting. On the contrary, I love it so much I could do it 24/7. Seriously! Apart from fashion I just love the atmosphere, the manners, the subtle ambiguity of conversation... the cafe with Hoagy Carmichael playing the piano and Lauren Bacall singing in "To Have and Have Not" (Howard Hawks, 1944), ok, that's the 1940s but you understand what I mean?
I sometimes wish people acted and dressed like that now (it's a bit less practical I know, but nowadays people also do lots of impractical things... super short skirts, high heels?), in my opinion it was the epitome of class. After the fifties it all goes down hill :D
I just want to warn you guys that this blog may turn into a solely vintage-centered site. I am seriously considering dressing like this every day of the week! What do you think, below are some more photos? And I apologize for the lack of posts, I'm a bit (or rather very) pressed for time since I just began university and am getting used to the change, so I hope this special post made it up to you?! If I happen to not post for a while you can always follow me on instagram and remind me to not miss my essay deadlines...

Thank you to my sister for your beautiful photos... as usual! 

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